Himpunan Hijau plans blockage

KOTA KINABALU – The Himpunan Hijau steering committee has decided to kick start a ‘blockage’ campaign to prevent rare earth ores shipments from Australia.

The Himpunan Hijau steering committee has decided to kick start a ‘blockage’ campaign to prevent rare earth ores shipments from landing in Malaysia from Australia.

“Our second wave of people’s actions shall kick-off immediately!” declared chairperson of Himpunan Hijau Wong Tack.

“We will not allow a single ounce of the Lynas’ ores to reach our shores.

“We’ll bring together tens of thousands of people from across the nation to force the shipment of Lynas’ toxic ores back to Australia,” said Wong Tack.

The Himpunan Hijau steering committee strongly believes that the future of this country belongs to youth. This is the time for them to step forward to uphold the rights to protect their future.

A special task force has been formed to drive the ‘blockage’ campaign.

The task force will ensure that the activists will be ready on the day the Lynas’ ores are due.

“The next Himpunan Hijau will on call by Lynas,” said Wong.

At a meeting Monday night, the Himpunan Hijau steering committee has assigned the blockage campaign to a highly charged second echelon of young local leaders. Ten young men and women have volunteered to spearhead the campaign.

“More will join in later to form a powerful task force. Active work will start immediately to build a strong alliance of environmental comrades nationwide, Wong said.

“For more than a year, responsible Malaysians have come forward, himpunan after himpunan, in the most peaceful manner to request the authorities to respect their rights and listen to their voices.

“But up until now, the responses from the authorities were gimmicks after gimmicks, issuance of one illogical statement after another. They continued to derail the issue, mislead, suppress, ignore and belittle the people’s intelligence.

“We, as the leaders of Himpunan Hijau have done our very best to contain the anger within the masses. We foresee that anger will be uncontrollable when the ores reach our shores,” said Wong.

This campaign will choke the Kuantan Port and paralyse the entire operation of the port.

It will definitely cause serious adverse economic repercussions to the entire East Coast region.

“It is now up to the authorities to decide.

“It is a choice to face a temporary short term economic pain or permanently letting the future of this town being buried in the darkness of radioactive pollutions,” Wong said.

Members of the Himpunan Hijau Steering Committee are Wong Tack (Chairperson), Andansura Rabu, Bang Seet Ping, Clement Chin Yee Kaing, Lee Chean Chung, Lee Chin Chen, Nasrun Amir, Ooi Boon Seng, Dr. Phua Kia Yaw and V.Arumugam.

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